Telehealth for

How to Prepare for Your Telehealth Appointment


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Public Access Telehealth Spaces (PATHS)
Telehealth booths are available and free to use in three public libraries in Wyoming.

What is Telehealth by NRTRC
An informational breakdown of telehealth and its benefits to patients, providers, communities, and more.

Telehealth 101 by Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP)
An informational video breakdown of telehealth and the basics, common terms, and more.

Telehealth and You by OHSU
A series of four animated videos on telehealth.

A Patient’s Guide to Telemedicine by Drugwatch
An informational breakdown of telehealth, it’s uses and benefits, and how to make the most of it.

AARP/WMS Encourages Patients to Use Telehealth
AARP Wyoming and Wyoming Medical Society encourages you to consider telehealth visits during and after the pandemic. Telehealth is safe, simple and secure.

How to Use Virtual Healthcare by EduMed
Patient’s Guide to Telehealth: How to Use Virtual Healthcare provides answers on telehealth and the services available.

Family Voices National
Como parte de un premio en telesalud de la Ley CARES 2020 de HRSA, Family Voices National creó un currículo de telemedicina titulado “Los aspectos básicos de la telemedicina: Elementos esenciales para una experiencia centrada en la familia.

Telehealth Guides for Patients

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Tools for Veterans


The WyTN does not coordinate care, make recommendations, or make referrals to providers. All information on telehealth for patients is for education purposes. If you would like to schedule a telehealth visit, contact your provider or access our Wyoming Telehealth Provider Directory.