
School-based Mental Health Conference
- Mental Health Screening in Schools
- Local Success Campbell School District
- Advancing Comprehensive School Mental Health
- Considering Equity in the Implementation of School Mental Health Services
- Advocacy and Policy Panel
- Keynote Making Room for Wellbeing in School Mental Health Quality Improvement Efforts

Genetics Summit 2022: Telehealth, Andrea Shipley
What the Public Health Emergency Has Taught Us About Sustaining Telehealth

Telehealth 101 Presentation
The Nuts and Bolts of Telehealth

University of Wyoming ECHO in Student Health and Wyoming Telehealth Network:
School-Based Health Mini-Series

Medicare Billing:

Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center:
NRTRC Online Telehealth Training
The NRTRC has a mission to advance the development, implementation, and integration of telehealth programs in rural and medically under-served communities. The purpose of the program is to assist health care providers, organizations, and networks in implementing cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically under-served areas and populations.
The NRTRC hosts a variety of comprehensive asynchronous course to improve telehealth knowledge in several different areas of interest for students and professionals of all skill levels. To see their catalogue of offerings, please visit:

Project ECHO:
University of Wyoming ECHO Networks
Project ECHO® is a lifelong learning and guided practice model that exponentially increases workforce capacity to provide the application of best practices. The heart of the ECHO model is its hub-and-spoke knowledge-sharing networks, led by expert teams who use multi-point videoconferencing to conduct learning sessions about evidence-based practices in education, health, and disability services. With this method, educators, healthcare providers, special service providers, case managers, administrators, and families have access to expert advice right in their homes, schools, and offices.
UW ECHO Networks provide ongoing support for educators, healthcare providers, and families in a rural state where specialized knowledge is not always locally available. By removing these barriers to specialized knowledge, outcomes for students, patients, and families are improved.
Autism for Rural Healthcare Providers
Additional ECHO Opportunities:
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Programs: